Puppy Deposit Contract Uk

Imm unizations, parasite control, and medication recomm ended by buy er’s.
Puppy deposit contract uk. Remarketing or veterinary care of the dog. I have read and received a copy of the purchase agreement/health guarantee, understand it fully, and will abide completely in order to keep the guarantee in full effect. Deposit, payment of purchase price, fees buyer has paid a deposit of $_____, with payment of the balance of $_____ due upon release of the dog to buyer.
This is a standard or general puppy contract between the buyer and seller. The buy er shall provide the dog with adequate food, fresh water at all times, shelter, affection, love, and m edica l care, including all necessar y. Puppy has been vaccinated the breeder‟s vet will have given them a vaccination certificate which shows the vaccination date and products used.
Prepare ahead.ask questions.walk away if you’re suspicious!. The puppy shall remain with sweetpeapugs until the puppy is at least 8 weeks old and no older than 10. If the remaining balance of $_____ is not paid within five business days from notification of pups availability, seller may offer said puppy to another owner without any further obligation to buyer placing this deposit.
Thank you for purchasing a puppy from us! The buy er shall provide the dog with adequate food, fresh water at all times, shelter, affection, love, and m edica l care, including all necessar y. And return an y pay ment collected to the bu y er, m inus expenses incurred in the.
By signing below, buyer states that he/she has read the aforementioned deposit contract and is in complete agreement. After 28 da y s and for the life of the. The terms and conditions that apply to the purchase
Sign, fax and printable from pc, ipad, tablet or mobile. Puppy deposit and sales agreement. The name of the pet supplier;