Warrior Cats Wiki Bluestar

Drowning by gorge 17 Post-Death.
Warrior cats wiki bluestar. Bluestar was a noble courageous and intelligent leader charged by the love and respect she had for her Clan. Blunt force traumadrowning Residence. She is also more on the introverted side and has been shown to have some small dry humor here and there.
She was the first leader to lead RiverClan. As an apprentice Bluepaw wants to. Backstory Bluekit was born in ThunderClan to Moonflower and Stormtail and had a sibling Snowfur.
1 Bluefur 11 Names. 1 History 11 In the Super Edition Series. Talk 0 Bluestar is a blue-gray she cat with blue eyes.
Bluestar is a blue gray she-cat with thick long fur a broad face silver hair tinged around her muzzle and tail a torn ear broad shoulders a scar which parts the fur across her shoulders a long sleek tail and piercing round icy-blue eyes. During Dustpaws plan of a double Lightning Strike to make the invaders think the whole Clan has them surrounded Longtail calls out to Bluestar to make it seem as if she was present when she wasnt. Bluekit becomes an apprentice alongside her sister and takes the name Bluepaw mentored by Stonepelt.
Tigerclaw is not one of thunderclan. She was the one who recieved the life-changing prophecy Fire alone will save our clan from the medicine cat at the time Spottedleaf. This book isnt as bad as the previous but still violent.
78 moons 65 years at time of death Kit-Bluekit Apprentice-Bluepaw Warrior-Bluefur Queen-Bluefur Deputy-Bluefur Leader-Bluestar Mate-Oakheart Son. Bluestar was played by Bloo. Bluestar is the leader of ThunderClan.